Kurdgips, Bikhem, Bashkhem, Argut, Reoni, Bzyb, Chulyshman, Manso, Tekchu, Bashkaus, Inguri, etc.
the Kola Peninsula, Novaya Zemlya, Taimyr, Spitsbergen, the White Sea.
Altai, Urals, Caucasus, Andes, Tien Shan, Sayan, the Verkhoyanskiy Ridge and waterfalls and glaciers of the Caucasus, Altai, Urals, Putorana Plateau.
the Ladoga, the White Sea, Baikal, the Onega, Greenland, the Kara Sea, the Sea of Okhotsk.
Experience as the instructor more than 15 years.
It is possible to contact me by phone in Moscow —
+7 925 512-92-00.
Climbing, ice climbing in the mountains of Altai and Caucasus. Ski trips weekend in the suburbs of Moscow and a week in Karelia. More detail...