My friends
My friends, with them I were in campaigns and expeditions. They can always give you necessary recommendations.
My friendsMy friends, with them I were in campaigns and expeditions. They can always give you necessary recommendations. Leha EgorovThe remarkable story-teller and one of the best TV reporters Vjacheslav TitovThe admirer of talent of Venedikta Yerofeev, the pictorialist and the operator of the program the Wild world, NTV. Oleg Shumakov Kolja Minaev Serega Klepko Kolja Morozov Igor' Scherbakov Oleg Ivanov Mishka Frolov Smirnov Sasha Anikin Shurik Shalimov Jura Jackov Sergej Denis Soldatikov Sergey Gukov Tjulin Vladimir Oleg Srgey Barabanov Leha Sokolov Sileckij Vitalik Olga Jeffrey Tayler Volodja Musatov Pasha Pal’mov Steblev Valentin Gorbunov Andrej Bejdulaev Igor' Vasil'chenko Sergey Epishkin Sergej Cibin Anatolij Vadim «Dok» Sergey Shtovba Ermakov Roma Volodja Sushko Oleg Neshmonin Leha Grekov Kiril Korjov Vitka Yakimovskiy Mitrich Aleksandr Ykimovsky Maks Gera Karpenko Kuzhelivskiy Ivan Misha Marchenko Andrej Andrej Ivan Andrey Uriy Sergej Alexander Grishin Misha Aleksey Viktor |